In the current era cloud computing is earning very high popularity for its vast characteristics which is divided into its common characteristics and essential characteristics. The common characteristics are massive scale, homogeneity, virtualization, low cost software, resilient computing, geographic computation, service orientation and advanced security. The essential characteristics are on demand self-service, broad network access, resource pooling, rapid elasticity and measured service. Cloud Computing is the internet based computing where the application software, infrastructure and platform are available in the cloud and the end users (businessman, developers) can access it through, as a client. Cloud is a step on from Utility Computing. Owing to increase in use of these services by companies, several security issues have emerged and this challenges cloud computing system to secure, protect and process the data which is the property of user. Therefore, we must develop high level authentication protocols for preventing the security threats.
The CCMP (Counter with Cipher Block Message Authentication Code Protocol) is a two cycle authenticated encryption (AE) mode. The first cycle is used to perform confidentiality computations, and the other cycle is used to compute authentication and integrity. Here, both the cycles use same encryption technique. It is already known that CCM/CCMP is a combination of two modes namely AES counter mode and cipher block chain MAC (CBC-MAC) mode. The counter mode is used to perform encryption which guarantees data privacy whereas CBC-MAC is used to achieve data validity and integrity. In this research work the investigation and critical analysis of CCMP based Secure Cloud (SecC) mechanism for cloud data management is presented which further improves the security issues in cloud networks.