This volume contains selected papers from the International Workshop on Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (ENDE) held at Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal, September 25–28, 2016. It was the 21st edition of this Workshop and as the previous editions it was focused on the theoretical and applications research of Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation methods and provided a forum for exchanging ideas and discussing recent developments.
ENDE2016 was organized under the auspices of the ENDE International Steering Committee, by Instituto de Telecomunicações and Instituto Superior Técnico.
There were a total of 97 participants, including 29 students (9 from Portugal), 11 representatives from industry/manufacturing and 3 accompanying persons). The participants were from 17 countries: Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Italy, Japan, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, South Korea, United States of America and United Kingdom. The technical program was organized in 8 oral sessions: “Advanced eNDE sensors”, “Material characterization” (1) and (2), “New developments in eNDE” (1) and (2), “Analytical and numerical modelling of eNDE, Inverse problems and signal processing”, “Monitoring and diagnoses of mechanical structures” and “Innovative industrial applications of eNDE”. A special panel session on “Promoting Nondestructive Evaluation Studies In Engineering Schools” was organized. There were 70 contributions plus 1 invited and 1 keynote speaker. 41 presentations were presented in the 8 oral sessions and 29 presentations in the poster session.
The technical program encompassed one invited and one keynote speaker. The invited speaker was Professor Luís Oliveira e Silva, Professor of Physics and President of the Scientific Council of Instituto Superior Técnico, one of the few scientists in all the fields of science with two Advanced Grants from the European Research Council. Professor Oliveira e Silva gave a talk entitled “In silico extreme electromagnetic fields”. The keynote speaker was Professor Mário Figueiredo, of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of Instituto Superior Técnico. Professor Mário Figueiredo received the 2016 EURASIP Technical Achievement Award and since 2014 has been considered a Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher. The talk by Professor Figueiredo was about the recent advances in computational methods for imaging inverse problems, with a special emphasis on image restoration and reconstruction.
Two Awards were given, including “Best Paper Award” and “Best Poster Award”.
The Workshop Proceedings, including short versions of all contributions, have been published in a pen-drive and distributed to all participants. In this volume, 37 reviewed, revised, accepted papers are published under the title “Electromagnetic Non-Destructive Evaluation (XX)”, in the IOS Press book series “Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics”.
To conclude, the editors want to thank all the people who have tirelessly contributed to the Workshop and to the reviewers of the extended papers.
Lisbon, April, 2017
Helena G. Ramos
Artur L. Ribeiro