Welcome to SG-CRC 2017, the second Singapore Cyber Security R&D Conference and welcome to Singapore! This year's theme focuses on presenting how to approach Cyber-Security in complex computing systems. Thus the focus of this year's theme is on software and systems security. In order to preserve information security of systems it is necessary to consider a wide variety of techniques to avoid cyber-attacks, or to minimize potential damage caused by a successful attacker. SG-CRC 2017 focuses on techniques and methodologies oriented to construct resilient systems against cyber-attacks that helps to construct safe execution environments, improving security of both hardware and software by means of using mathematical tools and engineering approaches for designing, verifying, and monitoring cyber-physical systems.
This year's conference contains a strong technical program. In addition to three keynotes addresses by Ruby Lee, Luke Ong and Sjouke Mauw, it also includes a selection of rigorously refereed papers presented in the regular paper sessions and short paper sessions. The Program Committee has received 21 submissions internationally and each paper was reviewed by at least 3 referees. We choose 10 papers as the result of intensive discussions held among the PC members.
This year, a two-day Cybersecurity Camp is co-located with the conference, which is organized by Singapore Cybersecurity Consortium. We would like to thank Dawn Song for sharing her expertise in cyber-security with students and attendees in the cyber-camp via lectures and hackathon. This year conference has also seen the formal launch of the National Cyber-security Lab, a national infra-structure housed at the National University of Singapore.
We would like to thank National University of Singapore and National Research Foundation as co-organizers of the conference. Special thanks go to many individuals who have contributed to the success of this conference. We thank the authors for sharing their ideas with us, the reviewers for providing valuable feedback, and all the PC members for taking time from their busy schedules to support this conference.
Thank you so much for attending SG-CRC 2017. We hope that you enjoy the program and have a great stay in Singapore!
Abhik Roychoudhury and Yang Liu (Program Co-Chairs)
Hwee Kwang Lim (General Chair)