Models of argumentation, that take pros and cons for some conclusion into account, have been extensively studied over a number of years, and some basic principles have now been clearly established. More recently, there has been interest in computational models of argumentation where the aim is to develop software tools to assist users in constructing and evaluating arguments and counterarguments and/or to develop automated systems for constructing and evaluating arguments and counterarguments.
After the very successful First Conference on Computational Models of Argument that was instigated by the members of the EU-funded ASPIC Project, and hosted by the University of Liverpool in September 2006, the papers in this volume form the programme for the Second Conference on Computational Models of Argument hosted by the Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT) in May 2008.
The range of papers in the volume provides a valuable snapshot of the leading research questions in the area of computational models of argument. This volume includes papers drawing on the wealth of research on the philosophical questions surrounding the notions arising in argumentation, papers that are addressing knowledge representation and reasoning issues emerging from modelling argumentation, and papers that are considering appropriate models of wider rhetorical issues arising in argumentation. This volume also includes papers that are proposing and evaluating algorithmic solutions associated with generating and judging constellations of arguments, and papers that are proposing standards for exchanging information associated with argumentation so that different systems can work together. We are also pleased to include some papers that report practical working tools for computational argumentation.
We would like to thank the programme committee who did an excellent job in selecting the 37 papers in this volume from the 60 papers that were originally submitted. We would also like to thank the Local Organization Committee (i.e. Leila Amgoud, Claudette Cayrol, Véronique Debats, Marie-Christine Lagasquie-Schiex, Jérôme Mengin, Laurent Perrussel, and Henri Prade) for all the hard work they put into making the conference a success.
March 2008
Philippe Besnard (Conference Chair)
Sylvie Doutre (Local Organization Chair)
Anthony Hunter (Programme Chair)