The Tenth Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence continues a tradition of being one of the most important regional AI conferences in Europe.
This year's conference is organised by SICS, the Swedish Institute of Computer Science together with SAIS, the Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society. It is not only the tenth SCAI conference and 20th year SCAI anniversary but also the 25th anniversary for SAIS, and we are proud to celebrate this jubilee year with six special guest speakers and a three day conference. 51% of the papers submitted to the conference where accepted for oral presentation and 17% for poster presentation.
The topics of this years contributions have a broad range, from Machine Learning, Knowledge Representation, Robotics, Planning and Scheduling, Natural Language, Computer Vision, Search Algorithms, Industrial Applications, to Philosophical Foundations. These contributions exemplify the diversity of research in artificial intelligence today and confirm the achievement and magnitude of 25 years AI research in Scandinavia. It has also lead to a strong research community that is well integrated and multi-disciplinary. We continue to cover a balance between theoretical research and valuable application results for use in business, medicine and industry and AI is an increasingly dynamic and interesting research area than ever before.
We are honoured to present invited speakers Kathleen A. McCormick, Ph.D., F.A.C.M.I, Chief Scientist/Vice President of SAIC in Health Solutions, USA; Manfred Jaeger, Associate Professor at Aalborg University, Denmark; Agnar Aamodt, Professor at Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway; Erik Sandewall, Professor at Linköping University, Sweden; Patrick Doherty, Professor at Linköping University, Sweden and Carl Gustaf Jansson, Professor at Stockholm University, Sweden.
The editors of this volume would like to thank the members of the Program Committee for their competent assessment of the contributed papers. We also like to thank the members of the Organising Committee, the SAIS Jubilee Committee and the SAIS Master's Thesis Award Committee. We are happy to also be able to introduce the winner of the SAIS Master's Thesis Award 2008, Malin Aktius from the University of Skövde.
We acknowledge the generous support of our industrial sponsors Google, Minst, Robotdalen, Volve AS and also the Swedish Institute of Computer Science whose support and economic warranty made this conference possible.
Stockholm, May 2008
Anders Holst, Per Kreuger, Peter Funk