The way of conducting terrorism with the time is becoming more sophisticated. Namely, there are eight different ways in which contemporary terrorists use the Internet, ranging from psychological warfare and propaganda to highly instrumental uses such as fundraising, recruitment, data mining, and coordination of actions. Coordination of the terrorist activity is key for their success. However coordination of their global activity is going through global network controlled and often monitored by ISPs (Internet Service Providers), LEAs (Law Enforcement Agencies), and different security and intelligence agencies. The terrorists are aware that the messages sent to their perpetrators through the Internet can be intercepted very easily and thus their intentions can be detected. Therefore, they are using different methods to protect their information. The two most used techniques of information protection are cryptography and information hiding. This chapter will cover only one of the mentioned techniques which deals with information hiding, or more specific it will cover different steganography techniques and tools. It will give short review of several different steganographic tools. Furthermore, it will explain specific usage of some of these tools. The chapter also tends to explain the different steganalysis techniques that are striking a significant blow not only to the terrorist organizations, but also on any other individual or group that use steganographic techniques as a way for covert transmission of their malicious intents. The chapter will show not only practical usage of some specific steganalysis tools but also usage of some tools whose basic function are not connected with this technique but can give significant contribution in steganalysis process and determining the existence of hidden objects.