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This submission presents part of the EU funded project ENTELIS (European Network for Technology Enhanced Learning in an Inclusive Society), which aims to address issues of digital divide and digital equity for people with disabilities of all ages, and to increase participation and social inclusion. This paper presents the main activities and outcomes of the research work package of the project (WP3), from one of the partner countries, Cyprus. The aim of the conducted research was to identify the conceptions and beliefs of end-users, trainers, and service/technology providers and professionals, on the multifaceted relation between ICT/ICT-AT (Information Communication Technology – Assistive Technology) and learning of technology. Data collection involved the development and administration of three semi-structured interview protocols, one for each group of participants, in five different European countries. Results have been compiled to develop a State-of-Art Report on ICT and ICT-AT education and learning, highlighting the main trends, as well the main present barriers, emergent and future needs in terms of analysis, acquisition and reinforcing of digital competences bridging the worlds of education and work.
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