The International Conference on Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies was the 6th event of the series organized since 2008 with the aim at building infrastructure necessary for large-scale development of Web technologies that make easy access to digital information in its every form regardless of the user's need. Over these years, the ICADIWT conference has created its own research community of participants from very many countries who attend the event every time with the intention to demonstrate and discuss the essential details of their research findings.
The Icadiwt conference series is organized by the Indian Digital Information Research Foundation, a publisher of academic journals in computer and information science. The 6th ICADIWT conference was held on February the 12th, 2015, in the University of Macau, Macao. This year Professor Jonathan Chan from King Mongkut's University of Technology, Thonburi, Thailand gave a keynote speech on Digital Information and Communication in the Aging Society which granted a wide audience of researchers and practitioners.
The scope of the ICADIWT 2015 conference covers the following research areas: Internet Communication, Internet Technologies, Web Applications, Internet Software, Data Access and Transmission, Digital Communication Software, Digital Networks, Web Communication Interfaces, Internet Content Processing, Internet of Things, Internet of Everything, Data Communication, Databases and applications, Web Systems Engineering Design, Intelligent Agent systems, Semantic Web Studies, Adaptive Web applications and personalization, Navigation and hypermedia.
This year, 27 papers were accepted for presentation out of 78 submissions reviewed by at least two Review Committee members each making the overall acceptance rate at 34.6%.
We would like to express our gratitude to all our Program Committee members as well as the Board of Reviewers for their hard work to ensure a high standard of the ICADIWT 2015 conference papers.