The Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence (ACIA),
ACIA is a member of ECCAI, the European Coordinating Committe for Artificial Intelligence (http://www.acia.org).
This year the conference is being held in Barcelona, hosted by the Universitat de Barcelona, and organised by the ACIA together with the Applied Mathematics and Analysis department of the hosting university. CCIA 2014 has been organised as a single-track conference consisting of high quality, previously unpublished papers on new and original research on Artificial Intelligence.
This volume contains 34 original contributions, which have been accepted for presentation at the Seventeenth International Conference of the Catalan Association of Artificial Intelligence (CCIA 2014), which will take place on October 22–24, 2014. All contributions have been reviewed by at least two referees. The papers have been organised around different topics providing a representative sample of the current state of the art in the Catalan Artificial Intelligence Community and of the collaboration between ACIA members and the worldwide AI community.
As a novelty, this year conference hosts the Cognitive Science Society (CSS)
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all authors for making the conference and this book possible with their contributions and participation. We sincerely thank the members of the organizing committee for their effort in the preparation of this event, and all the members of the Scientific Committee for their help in the reviewing process.
Special thanks go also to the two outstanding plenary speakers, Ramón López de Mántaras and Leo Wanner, for their effort in preparing very interesting lectures, to Karina Gibert, former PC chair in CCIA'2013, for her help during this year and, last but not least, to Vicenç Torra, president of ACIA, for his kind support and involvement.
We wish all participants a successful and inspiring conference and a pleasant stay in Barcelona.
Lledó Museros, Universitat Jaume I
Oriol Pujol, Universitat de Barcelona
Núria Agell, ESADE Business School
October 2014