This volume contains selected papers from the 18th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Non-destructive Evaluation (ENDE), which was held in Bratislava, Slovak Republic on June 25–28, 2013. ENDE workshop is an important event for the researchers with interest in non-destructive evaluation. The first workshop was organized in 1995 in London, UK and then followed 16 workshops held in various countries in different parts of the world. The last one – the 18th ENDE 2013 workshop was for the first time organized in Slovakia.
The aim of the workshop was to provide an international forum for discussion on the state of art and perspectives in the field of electromagnetic non-destructive methods from the view of science, technology and their applications in engineering. From the demand for new effective methods of maintenance of industrial equipments and their live-time testing up to the industrial processing control or medical engineering support evokes a hard scientific and technological effort of many research, development and university institutions all over the world. So the main aim of the workshop was to bring together scientists from universities and research institutions and specialists from institutions of industrial application of electromagnetic non-destructive evaluation in order to offer the opportunity to exchange their best knowledge and experiences.
The workshop was organized by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Zilina, Slovak Republic and the Alumni Club of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Zilina in cooperation with the Japan Society of Maintenology and the Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics.
Sixty four participants from 17 countries (Japan, Slovakia, Poland, France, USA, Germany, Romania, Brazil, Korea, Portugal, Greece, India, Hungary, China, Italy, Czech Republic and UK – listed according to the number of participants) were officially registered. There were presented 61 contributions: 1 key-note lecture, 6 invited lectures, 29 oral and 25 poster presentations.
Keynote Lecture:
P. Kucik, Applications of innovative eddy current probes for non-destructive testing in practice.
Invited Lectures:
1. P. Lopato, T. Chady, Advances in terahertz NDE,
2. J.M.A. Rebello, Advances in electromagnetic NDE for material characterization,
3. R. Grimberg, Advances in high frequency electromagnetic ENDE,
4. H. Kikuchi, Advances in magnetic NDE,
5. B.P.C. Rao, T. Jayakumar, Recent advances in eddy current NDE and future directions,
6. N. Yusa, Numerical modelling of real cracks for electromagnetic nondestructive inverse analysis.
Short versions of all the contributions have been reviewed and published in the Book of Abstracts and forty revised and peer reviewed full papers have been accepted and included into the present volume Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (XVII) published by IOS Press in the series Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 39.
We would like to express our thanks to all workshop participants for their presentations and manuscripts submissions and to the reviewers for their effort to produce a high quality of volume works. We thank also to the session chairs for their helpful work during the workshop.
Thanks are due to the members of the ENDE Standing Committee, by name to the chair of STC Professor Fumio Kojima, for their helpful attitude during the workshop organization.
Last but not least we would like to thank to all members of the workshop organizing committee for their hard work and excellent assistance during the preparation of the ENDE 2013.
We hope that the readership of this book will find the included papers interesting and inspiring.
Klara Capova, Ladislav Janousek, Lalita Udpa and B. Purna Chandra Rao