The complex nature of interdependent, heterogeneous, dynamically evolving networks characterizing modern critical infrastructure is exacerbated by uncertainty of potential component failures that must be addressed in realistic mathematical models. The NATO Advanced Research Workshop on “Examining Robustness and Vulnerability of Critical Infrastructure Networks” was held in Kyiv, Ukraine on June 3-5, 2013. The workshop participants representing 12 countries (Armenia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Ukraine, and USA) discussed recent progress and promising future research directions on the following topics:
• Mathematical models describing structures that characterize the network's robustness and vulnerability to an attack.
• Probability-based risk measures characterizing a networks vulnerability to edge/node failures.
• Exact, approximate, and heuristic algorithms for designing minimum cost robust network topologies and for detecting robust structures of interest in networks.
• Mathematical models and algorithms for identification of critical network components.
• Optimization techniques to restrict and control the damages and losses associated with various risk factors that affect the operations of interdependent networked systems.
• Case studies with large-scale real-life transportation, communication, and energy networks.
This volume contains contributions by the workshop participants, as well as other invited experts working on related topics. The book will be of interest to researchers, practitioners, and graduate students in mathematics, computer science, and engineering.
We would like to thank the NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme for providing funding for this memorable workshop, and also IOS Press for making this publication possible.
Sergiy Butenko
College Station, TX, USA
Eduardo Pasiliao
Eglin, AFB, FL, USA
Volodymyr Shylo
Kiev, Ukraine