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Terrorism is about sending a message to the public in order to influence them in favor of the terrorists. The terrorist message is fear and panic. Their message intends to coerce and intimidate governments due to the trust deficit between the government and the people. In order to achieve its political aims and convey its message of fear, terrorism requires publicity; this publicity is provided by the media. Between the media and terrorism, there is a symbiotic relationship where both parties depend on each other and benefit from such dependence. How to break down this symbiotic relationship between terrorism and media is a difficult question to answer when censorship is not only against the spirit of democracy, but it is also not possible to stop the flow of information today. At the time of terrorist attacks, efficient public information management is the key to maintain public confidence and support. Efficient public information management necessitates efficient management of media relations, which, in the end, facilitates the development of a responsible media.
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