Over a decade of research into computational approaches for assistive technology has resulted in this manuscript. A number of graduate theses successfully completed over the past dozen or so years supervised by Kanlaya Naruedomkul and Nick Cercone form the basis of the chapters in this volume. Most, but not all, of the former students who have contributed to this manuscript were enrolled in either Mathematics or the Institute for Innovative Technology at Mahidol University in Bangkok, Thailand where Professor Naruedomkul teaches. These students include S. Dangsaart, S. Sonamthiang, P. Pattaraintakorn, N. Ditcharoen, W. Wongkia, and W. Supap. A current student contributor, E. Chaowicharat is visiting York University from Mathematics at Mahidol University. One student, L. Narupiyakul was a dual PhD awardee from Dalhousie University and King Mongkut's University if Technology, Thonburi. Another student, O. Poobrasert, completed her PhD at Dalhousie University. All of them have spent at least a year (normally their third year of a PhD program) in Canada with Nick Cercone, either at the University of Waterloo, Dalhousie University or York University where he has spent the last 15 years of his career. Finally, V. Keselj completed his PhD at the University of Waterloo and N. Yakovets and A. Agrawal are current PhD students at York University.
Some applications in the chapters use Thai language examples but the techniques employed are not restricted to any single language. This volume is not a comprehensive treatise on assistive technology nor is it by any means broad. Each chapter is based on the PhD work of a former or current student, suitably updated and presented for interested readers. The software was developed and tested in each case and the results of the evaluations are reported. References are presented chapter by chapter so as to direct the interested reader to more literature on the topic of the chapter.
We voice a special thanks to all of our former students who have contributed to this manuscript. We also would like to give a special thank you to Dr. Barbara Whitmer, the project manager of the Centre for Innovation in Visualization and Data Driven Design (CIVDDD) for her kind proof reading of the manuscript.
Nick Cercone, Kanlaya Naruedomkul
April 2013