The new media revolution of the last decades, and especially the last few years, has changed the media arena beyond recognition. The access of much of the world's population to digital channels has made the Internet a most important social space. The question I would like to explore in this Chapter is whether the unique character of health crises, namely extreme conditions of stress and uncertainty, makes the Internet and social networks optimal platforms for the health establishment to convey information and directives to the public. The assumption is that during a health crisis many new people join e-patient to check the credibility of the official health establishment's information. In this article I will explore, first of all, how to overcome the gap between the “conservative” establishment world and the dynamic and changing digital world, to try to build an attractive and effective establishment website that can reach diverse populations during a crisis. I will propose the use of multidisciplinary models and approaches: social marketing, risk communication, rhetoric and interactive technologies, to create effective persuasion strategies using the new media. This article reaches a number of main conclusions: the world of the new media presents us with diverse and excellent possibilities for effective communication with the public during crises and emergencies. In order to reach the public, it is important to create a “transparent” website with dialogic and inclusive profiles for various subpopulations, while creating a broad forum of public representatives to help develop online messages during crises. It is important to use inclusive approaches and dynamic strategies of persuasion to build an establishment website, in order to position it in public opinion as a credible, friendly and attractive source of information.