We present an overview of the research program of the Center for Biophotonics Science Technology (CBST) which is headquartered at the University of California at Davis. We define biophotonics as the application of photonic technologies their related scientific methods to medicine the biosciences. Our Center focuses on three grand-challenge-driven science technology themes: 1) advanced bioimaging 2) molecular cellular biophotonics 3) medical biophotonics. Examples of research within the advanced bioimaging theme include the development of structured illumination microscopy as a means to push image resolution up to five times the diffraction-limit ultra short pulse x-ray diffraction imaging to characterize single biomolecules. The molecular cellular theme projects use biophotonic techniques to investigate fundamental biological mechanisms (including those that relate to the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis cardiovascular disease) the photophysical behavior of phytochromes (fluorescent plant proteins) the molecular mechanisms of DNA damage recognitionrepair. In the medical theme area, we are developing applications for hyperspectral microscopy, optical biopsy methods and laser-activated shape memory polymers in image-guided surgery, cancer detection and vascular therapy, respectively. The Center actively supports and advocates the development of multidisciplinary research teams and areas of common technology development in all of its theme projects.