This is the third in a series of workshops hosted by the Intelligent Environments Conference which, itself, is the seventh edition in a series of highly successful conferences that were organized in Colchester, UK (2005), Athens, Greece (2006), Ulm, Germany (2007), Seattle, USA (2008), Barcelona, Spain (2009) and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2010). This year the event will be held at Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom, a beautiful city, famed for its connection to the tale of Robin Hood. The workshops provide a forum for scientists, researchers and engineers from both industry and academia to engage in discussion on newly emerging, or rapidly evolving topics that have yet to reach the level of maturity associated with conferences or journals. This year we are pleased to include the following workshops:
• AITAmI'11 – “The 6th Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Ambient Intelligence”. This workshop focuses on the special relevance of AI technology to the goals of Ambient Intelligence and practical applications. It was organised by Juan Carlos Augusto (University of Ulster at Jordanstown) and Diane Cook (Washington State University).
• CS'11 – ‘The 2nd International Workshop on Creative Science: Science Fiction Prototyping for Engineering and Product Innovation". This workshop explores the use of science fiction as a means to motivate and direct research into new technologies by creating science fiction stories grounded in current science and engineering research. It was organised by Brian David Johnson (INTEL), Victor Callaghan (University of Essex) and Simon Egerton (Monash University Sunway Campus, Malaysia).
• HCIAmI’11 – “The 2nd International Workshop on Human-Centric Interfaces for Ambient Intelligence”. This workshop provides a forum to explore multi-disciplinary human-centric interfaces for Ambient Intelligence applications. It was organised by Hamid Aghajan (Stanford University, USA), Ramón López-Cø'zar Delgado (University of Granada, Spain) and Ronald Poppe (Twente University, Netherlands).
• IC'11 – “The International Workshop on the Intelligent Campus”. This workshop addresses the next generation intelligent campus environment that takes a holistic view of incorporating several themes of campus intelligence, such as iLearning, iSocial, iGreen, iHealth, iManagement, and iGovernance. This year there is a special focus on the iLearning theme of iCampus, with two newly-created tracks: “Track 1: Immersive Education Spaces” & “Track 2: Educational Technology”. It was organised by Jason Ng (Etisalat BT Innovation Center), Michael Gardner (Essex University), Minjuan Wang (San Diego State University), and Vic Callaghan (Essex University).
• SciT'11 – “The 1st International Workshop on Scientific Theatre: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Designing Intelligent Environments”. This workshop addresses the establishment of multidisciplinary forum, based on the use of the creative arts as means to convey scientific achievements to as wide an audience as is possible, and demonstrating ways of applying technology to advance art and enhance social engagement. It was organised by Yevgeniya Kovalchuk (University of Essex, UK).
• SOOW'11 – “The 2nd International Workshop on Smart Offices and Other Workplaces”. This workshop examines the intelligent workplace and includes issues ranging from building services through intelligent media to the use of expert system for decision making and stress reduction. It was organised by Peter Mikulecký (University of Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic).
• WISHWell'11 – “The 3rd International Workshop on Intelligent Environments Supporting Healthcare and Well-being”. The workshop explores pervasive healthcare technology solutions within the hospital and the home targeting an assortment of patient conditions and circumstances. It was organised by John O'Donoghue (University College Cork, Eire) and Juan Carlos Augusto (University of Ulster at Jordanstown, United Kingdom).
As is evident from this list, the IE11 workshops address a diverse set of topics. The formats are equally diverse ranging from regular lectures to practical sessions involving over 80 presentations.
Victor Zamudio and Victor Callaghan (the two Victors!) took over running the workshops from Juan Carlos Augusto who started the IE workshop stream in 2008 and ran them for 3 years before becoming the IE11 conference programme chair in 2011. Vic Callaghan founded the IE conferences back in 2005 being a programme chair until this year when he swapped with Juan to take on the workshop chair. Interestingly, Vic had expected this to be a lighter job than chairing the main conference but quickly discovered it was, if anything, more work intensive being akin to running a collection of mini-conferences!
Of course, as with any successful event, there are numerous people to thank. We are especially grateful to our organizing committees, whose voluntary and unpaid work made these workshops possible. We are also grateful to the many unnamed local organizers who behind the scenes have tirelessly worked to make these workshops a success. In addition, we are especially grateful to Nottingham Trent University, and especially Dr Ahmad Lofti whose support has been key to the success of these workshops. Likewise we are also grateful to BT and INTEL for their sponsorship. We also wish to acknowledge you; the readers we may never meet but who build on the work reported in this volume and thereby share our interests and visions. We hope you will have found these proceedings interesting and useful. Of course we reserve our special thanks for the researchers, who do the work, achieve the advances, set the research agenda and then come to Intelligent Environments workshops to report on this; your participation is greatly valued and is the principal reason this workshop event is such success.
Best wishes,
Victor Zamudio, Vic Callaghan – IE'11 Workshop Chairs
Juan Carlos Augusto, Diane Cook – AITAmI'11
Brian David Johnson, Simon Egerton, Victor Callaghan – CS'11
Hamid Aghajan, Ramón Lø'pez-Cø'zar Delgado, Ronald Poppe – HCIAmI'11
Jason Ng, Minjuan Wang, Michael Gardner, Victor Callaghan – IC'11
Yevgeniya Kovalchuk – SciT'11
Peter Mikulecký – SOOW'11
John O'Donoghue, Juan Carlos Augusto – WISHWell'11
July 2011