S. J. Brodsky
1. Introduction
2. Twenty-one key antiproton experiments
3. QCD on the light front
4. Light-front wave functions and QCD phenomenology
5. Perturbative QCD and exclusive processes
6. The pion form factor
7. Perturbative QCD calculation of baryon form factors
8. Timelike proton form factors
9. Single-spin asymmetry and the phase of timelike form factors
10. Compton scattering
11. Hadron helicity conservation
12. Other hard exclusive processes
13. Heavy-quark components of the proton structure function
14. The strange-quark asymmetry
15.The infrared behavior of effective QCD couplings
16. The role of conformal symmetry in QCD phenomenology
17. The AFS/CFT correspondence and conformal properties of hadronic light-front wave functions
18. Applicability of PQCD and conformal symmetry to hard exclusive processes
19. Color transparency
20. Measuring light-front wave functions in QCD and testing color transparency using diffractive dissociation
21. The generalized Crewther relation
22. Effective charges and unification
23. Conclusions on commensurate scale relations
24. Inclusive reactions: complications from final-state interactions
25. Single-spin asymmetries in Drell-Yan processes
26. Crossing
27. The origin of nuclear shadowing and antishadowing
28. Conclusions