Educational programs in the area biomedical informatics are covering topics from the field of medical informatics, health informatics and bioinformatics. The conceptual roots of such programs lead back more than thirty years and the programs are well established in many countries. The leading role in promoting activities concerning education in biomedical informatics has been given by the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) at MEDINFO congresses, special topics conferences and activities of the IMIA working group on Health and Medical Informatics Education. In Georgia under this program preparation of young experts is spent last two years. We study all experience of preparation on this discipline of various European universities and the program for computing training and testing systems (TTS) is developed for this field. We present TTS and other interactive tools for evaluation of a targeted knowledge have been developed. The idea of the system is based on generalized multiple-choice questions, with no prior restrictions on the number of given answers. The only restriction is that at least one answer is correct and at least one wrong. This new idea has led to new concepts of standardization of test results and also to new research problems in statistics. Evaluation by the TTS is performed using fixed or automated test. A fixed test is appropriate for evaluation of the group of students in computer classroom connected to Internet. Students can pass evaluations by automated tests by themselves and the final results of the tests are displayed immediately. The displayed results also give explanation to students why some answers were not correct. Using this matrix and initial data, obtained by the recognized international organizations we have developed the mathematical model that gives the opportunity to calculate the components of human life quality and safety as the components of sustainable development index and harmonization level of this development for every country. The system of indexes and indicators has been developed and gauging matrix for sustainable development processes (SDGM) in 3 dimensions: economic, ecological and socio-institutional has been offered. The global modeling of sustainable development processes for the large group of the countries in terms of human life quality and safety has been performed. The results of modeling have been explained in details by every dimension of the sustainable development.