This paper is reporting some illustrative research results concerning complex societal systems obtained by our Web Mining Group at the Department of Ergonomics and Psychology of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), also supported by the Information Management Department of the University of West Hungary (NYME). Our starting point is the remark of John D Sterman [1]: “Change is accelerating, and the complexity of the systems in which we live is growing. Increasingly change is the result of humanity itself. As complexity grows so do the unanticipated side effects of human action, further increasing complexity in a vicious cycle. Many scholars call for the development of ‘systems thinking’ to improve our ability to manage wisely. But how do people learn in and about complex dynamic systems? Learning is a feedback process in which our decisions alter the real world, we receive information feedback about the world, and using the new information we revise the decisions we make and the mental models that motivate those decisions.” Our main – both practical and theoretical – question is “how do people learn in and about complex dynamic systems?” Therefore we investigate the interaction between a human and his/her Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) with the assistance of up-to-date sophisticated Web data mining tools – the SPSS MODELER and the SPSS TEXT ANALYTICS. Since Web mining can be described as an application of data mining under special circumstances, a definition of data mining is required first: “Data mining is also called Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD). It is commonly defined as the process of discovering useful patterns or knowledge from data sources, e.g. databases, texts, the Web, etc. The patterns must be valid, potentially useful and understandable. Data mining is a multi-disciplinary field involving machine learning, statistics, databases, artificial intelligence, information retrieval, and visualization” [2, p. 6]. A similar general definition applies to Web mining: “Web mining aims to discover useful information or knowledge from Web hyperlink structure, page content, and usage data” [2, p. 6]. According to this definition, different types of Web mining can be identified as: Web structure mining, Web content mining, and Web usage mining. Our examinations have exclusively dealt with Web usage mining so far. As far as the project’s Web mining aspects are concerned, we relied on the notions and procedure systems of the already mentioned excellent book [2]. In this paper Web usage mining is considered as a supportive tool in investigating complex societal systems.