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In recent years the rapid development of a number of technologies used for data acquisition, processing, management, and transmission of Geospatial Information (GI), has substantially transformed how experts and common people deal with geospatial data. The capability to access geospatial information of various natures, including earth observation data, sensor data, and data stored in geospatial repositories, at increasing frequency and at relatively low cost, as well as the mass diffusion of localization technologies is in fact causing a profound technological and cultural revolution. This chapter illustrates how the new generation of geospatial technologies and Location Based Services (LBSs) can be extremely beneficial to ecosystem services and human welfare. The analysis is carried out in the context of two scenarios, selected for their significant relevance with the overall rationale of the volume, presenting the advantages brought in two different and complementary contexts such as environmental management and reduction of CO2 emissions.
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