This paper aims to present an overview of crisis management activities and terrorism relationship. In order to be able to provide a concise and comprehensive overview, the main structure of crisis management activities and the key points will be emphasized along with a few lessons learned selected from previous major terrorist events. The policy and strategy is developed by the ministry and government, but there are supervisory roles also for the Crisis Management Center (CMC), on-scene leaders, and response team leaders. The tools for crisis management include logistics, health and safety, information management, public order, and legal support. The CMC, providing centralized control, may be composed of police, army, firefighters, health workers, municipality, and other experts. This chapter then analyses the phases of crisis management, from the planning and preparation, including exercises, to the execution. The execution of responding to a crisis is also divided into phases, from the initial response, to recovery and lessons learned. Detailed planning is vital for preventing or managing a crisis.