The increasing frequency and severity of natural disasters during the last 15 years in the Republic of Moldova, combined with limited resources for the prevention and mitigation of their impact, has increased the level of vulnerability of the population. Concerted efforts are to be made to decrease the vulnerability of the population through a deeper study of human and societal dynamics, different methodologies of disaster forecast and prevention and the transfer of technology and knowledge.
The first Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) within the framework of the NATO Programme Security Through Science took place in the Republic of Moldova and dealt with the topic: “Risk Assessment as a Basis for Elaboration of Recommendations for Forecast and Prevention of Catastrophes” (25–27 April 2007, Chisinau). This ARW was charged with the analysis of accumulated theoretical knowledge and practical experience in the field of disasters within Europe, thereby enabling the elaboration of practical recommendations. A total of 32 participants from 9 different European countries attended this meeting, which comprised social and sociological aspects, positive attitude of population to the events and territorial particularities. Accumulated experience in the participating countries (Germany, Netherlands, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Georgia and Armenia) in the field of combating catastrophes should be assessed and adapted to specific conditions in the Republic of Moldova. Over the course of 3 days, experiences with respect to overcoming natural and anthropogenic disasters were presented and discussed within the framework of presentations and work groups. During the workshop, theoretical knowledge and practical experiences in the area of natural and anthropogenic disasters were analysed and practical recommendations were developed for the prevention of negative effects on the environment and society. Seminars demonstrated that international security policy is not just limited to regional security, it means “Global Security” and efficient international cooperation is needed to ensure it.
The Agenda of ARW consisted of three main syndicates: Forecast prevention mitigation of natural disasters (studying of natural catastrophes such as extreme weather conditions, primary and secondary damage due to geophysical events, meteorological and anthropogenic influences as well as land-spreading or world-wide epidemic diseases.), Forecast and prevention of manmade disasters (studying human and technical failures such as the release of dangerous materials whether biological, chemical or radiological, explosion sequences due to human and technical failure inclusive revolution, accidents and those due to traffic and industrial accidents.), Disasters and Society (studying effects on society such as the protection of critical infrastructures against criminal actions, endangerment analyses and risk management systems, preventive measures, crisis communication and reduction of psychological impact by media).
The scientific content of the presentations and, consecutively, of the papers focused on: risk assessment as part of national policies regarding the protection of man and environment, necessity of good cooperation at international and national level, presentation of essential modalities to secure financial support and capacity resources, information sharing networking and vulnerability as a moderating factor in risk assessment.
The great importance of this event was evidenced by the participation of the ministers:
1. Dr. Constantin Mihailescu, Minister for the Environment of the Republic of Moldova;
2. Semion Carp, Colonel of Police, Representative Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Moldova.
3. Dr. Emil Druc, Multilateral Coordination Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Moldova took part in the event.
From the diplomatic corps:
4. Mrs. Monica Sitaru, First Secretary of the Embassy of Romania NATO-Contact-Point of the Republic of Moldova and
5. Mr. Michael Pleban, German Embassy in the Republic of Moldova.
In addition, Dipl.-Ing. Gerhard Winkelmann-Oei, Chairman of the UNECE Joint ad hoc Expert Group, Federal Environmental Agency, Germany, participated as the UNECE representative.
The organisers consider that the Advanced Research Workshop was a complete success and the intention is to extend and continue with other themes for workshops.