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The seismo-tectonics of the Vrancea source is described by the collision of 3 tectonic plates: Moesian, East-European and Intra-Alpine. Analysis of the seismic records of earthquakes originating in the Vrancea zone allows for assessment of seismic hazard from the intermediate-depth source influencing the south eastern region of Europe. An important component of such analysis is the database of focal mechanisms for both crustal and sub-crustal events. The polarity data of P- first motion for the period 1967–2006 were used to compile the new catalogue, which is compared to the existing ones. The stochastic method for computing the total spectrum of the seismic motion at the site is discussed in the context of the studied area. Recurrence intervals for the sub-crustal seismicity and attenuation functions of the peak values of ground motion are presented. Importance of 2D and 3D models for the assessment of site-effects is emphasised and the numerical example for the data from the city of Kishinev is provided.
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