This paper demonstrates how advanced façade systems can comply with energy regulations and advocates for a more holistic approach to the selection of the most suitable façade system based on project specific requirements. The impact of different advanced façade systems on the yearly office energy consumption can be determined by using whole building simulation models. A whole building simulation, applied on an office situated in London, demonstrated that double skin façades are able to deliver easier compliance with the new UK energy regulations compared to the more traditional wall systems. The UK energy regulations have incorporated a carbon emission calculation method, which is a flexible method for demonstrating the compliance of offices build with new building materials or innovative envelope systems. This paper highlights that a lot of national regulations do not have such an appropriate assessment methodology, which therefore forms an obstacle of the development and use of innovative building materials and envelope systems. This paper also warns about issues for performing proper building energy comparison such as the choice of the reference façade, the risk of over-estimating the functionality of specific façade components and the progressive impact of the selection of a façade configuration on other façade performance criteria and costs. Finally, the authors urge researchers to use more holistic approaches for the assessment of the ideal façade system. Façade configurations are rarely optimised for one sole parameter but many – and sometimes conflicting – requirements have to be taken into account, e.g. energy performance; acoustic-visual-thermal comfort; initial costs and long-term maintenance and repair costs; architectural appearance; structural performance; durability of façade components; fire resistance and many more. For every new project with its own specific critical requirements, a decision-making matrix and a prediction tool can be used in order to facilitate the optimisation of the most suitable façade system early in the design process.