This volume contains selected papers from the fifteenth International Workshop on Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation, which was held in Szczecin, Poland, from June 13 to 16, 2010.
Previous ENDE Workshops have been held in: London, United Kingdom (1995); Tokyo, Japan (1996); Reggio Calabria, Italy (1997); Chatou, France (1998); Des Moines, United States (1999); Budapest, Hungary (2000); Kobe, Japan (2001); Saarbrücken, Germany (2002); Paris, France (2003); East Lansing, United States (2004); Iwate, Japan (2006); Cardiff, United Kingdom (2007); Seoul, Korea (2008); Dayton, United States (2009).
The aim of the workshop, organized by the West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, Poland and the Japanese Society of Maintenology, was to bring together scientists from universities and research institutions conducting in-depth research into the basics of electromagnetic non-destructive evaluation (ENDE) on the one hand, and engineers presenting practical problems and industrial applications on the other.
Ninety nine participants from eleven European countries and from Algeria, Australia, Brazil, China, India, Japan, Korea, and the United States, were officially registered. Eighty papers were presented in all, among them five invited papers, namely:
1. D.C. Jiles, Ł.P. Mierczak, Y. Melikhov, Detection of Surface Condition in Ground Steel Components Using Magnetic Barkhausen Measurements,
2. S. Honda, Pipe Wall Thickness Inspection with Current Driven Thermal Method,
3. J.S. Knopp, M. Blodgett, J. Calzada, E. Lindgren, C. Buynak, J. Aldrin, Computational Methods in ENDE: Revolutionary Capability for the Sustainment of Aerospace Systems in the 21st Century,
4. Z. Chen, T. Hwang, L. Wang, S. Tian, N. Yusa, Investigation on the Features of the Electric Conductivity Around a Stress Corrosion Crack,
5. S.C. Chan, R. Grimberg, J.A. Hejase, Z. Zeng, P. Lekeakatakunju, L. Udpa, S.S. Udpa, Development of a Nonlinear Eddy Current Technique for Estimating Case Hardening Depths.
Short versions of all the contributions have been published in the Book of Abstracts, and reviewed and accordingly revised full papers have been accepted and are now included in this volume: Electromagnetic Non-Destructive Evaluation (XIV) published by IOS Press in the series Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics.
In closing, we would like to thank the authors, session chairs, and reviewers for conscientiously executing their duties to maintain the high scientific quality of the papers published in this volume. We believe that the readership of this book will find the included papers interesting and inspiring.
T. Chady, S. Gratkowski, T. Takagi, S.S. Udpa