Introduction. The aim of the study is the documentation of the national incidence of idiopathic scoliosis (IS) based on the School Screening programs performed at the various geographical departments of the country, and the estimation of the probable number of children who will need to be conservatively or surgically treated.
Material - Methods: During the years 1975 - 1999, 17 School Screening programs were performed in Greece and their results were analyzed and published in the book “School Screening in Greece”. These studies had in common the children age distribution, the clinical examination, the radiological definition of IS when the Cobb - angle was ≥ 5° or ≥ 10° after SRS. The standing forward bending test was used. An Orthopaedic surgeon always participated in the scientific screening team. 215899 children aged 5.5 -15 years were screened. When there was suspicion of scoliosis, the child was further assessed radiolographically (standing postero - anterior spinal radiographs), for Cobb angle appraisal.
Results: In 130689 screened children, scoliosis was considered when the consequent radiological assessment revealed Cobb angle of > 10°, (a), and in 85210 children when it revealed Cobb angle of ≥ 5° respectively, (b). In (a) studies the scoliosis incidence was 2.9% (range 1.1 - 5.7%), and (b) 4.9% (range 2.7 - 9.5%) respectively. The right thoracic curves dominated in both (a) and (b) studies and thoraco - lumbar, lumbar and double curves followed. Among 7965 scoliotics out of the total sample of 215899 children, 4.5% were conservatively treated with the use of a brace, and only 0.19% was treated surgically.
Conclusions: From data of 1998 national census, the population of children aged 8 to 14 years old was approximately 751000. With the above - mentioned datum and with a national mean scoliosis incidence of 2.9%, (Cobb angle ≥ 10°), 21781 children will be found with scoliosis. 980 will need conservative treatment using a brace while 41 children will need surgical treatment.