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The main goal of any testbed is to facilitate the trial and evaluation of ideas that have promise in the real world. In fact, in a real platform several physical or hardware restrictions exist and maybe arise for an agent or robot. These restrictions affect the performance of implemented algorithms. To the best of our knowledge, at present, only RoboCup Soccer Server is a common testbed for simulating a soccer game, but it can not support the above mentioned physical limits on real robot. In order to overcome these problems, we designed and implemented a realistic simulation testbed called SharifCE. In addition, this testbed allows the user to define a probability for a fault occurred on any internal part of the robot. That is done by a fault injection procedure. Our experimental results convinced us that SharifCE Testbed is quite appropriate for Multiagent Systems (MAS); because not only it is similar to a real platform, but also it supports the necessities such as Movement, Communication, Supervision, Cooperation and Learning. As an experimental result, a practical implementation of this testbed is presented
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