Economy of Kyrgyzstan and majority of kyrgyzstanee depend on agriculture. Both poor and well‐off people earn their living by farming and livestock breeding. The problems that they face in agricultural production are far from being resolved, but have tremendous and still not identified potential for farmers. The «Rural Advisory Service» (RAS) established in Kyrgyzstan can render such services as help in problems resolution, spread knowledge, new ideas and information essential for farmers. RAS offers training for farmers in their interested topics, adaptive researches, group formation, individual and group consultations, exhibitions and different campaigns.
RAS is closely collaborating with many programs the objectives of which are aimed at efficient and viable management of natural resources and establishment of reliable and adequate infrastructure as basis for economic and social development. One of them is Central Asian Mountain Partnership (CAMP) “Efforts integration for sustainable support of mountainous regions”. Within framework of this collaboration CAMP and RAS have found common activity which is aimed at support and spread of the best examples of water and soil use through training activities of the Extension services for farmers; collaboration with WOCAT (the world review of soil and water saving technologies).
RAS and CAMP conduct training activities for farmers and rural inhabitants on soil and water saving technologies collected by WOCAT in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. At the conference in Ashgabat out of 40 technologies may be the following ten will be presented:
• Preservation of warmth and moisture in soil in growing of ecologically safe agricultural products by thermostatic method (Kyrgyzstan)
• Technology of biohumus receiving (Kyrgyzstan)
• Bottle watering of vegetables and melons and water‐melons (Kyrgyzstan)
• Irrigation of difficult of access plots for self‐flowing irrigation water with the help of hydraulic pump of the «Hydrotaran» type (Kyrgyzstan)
• Pasture rotation for sheep (Kyrgyzstan)
• Reclamation of stone land for orchard (Kyrgyzstan)
• Minimum treatment of soil for cereals growing (Kazakhstan) lands.