By agreeing to set up the project to develop an International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP), the International Council of Nurses (ICN) took what has been hailed as one of its most significant initiatives in the latter half of this century. With the trend towards internationalisation of health care the ICNP provides an internationally accessible management, education and research tool to describe and organise data about nursing practice which in turn can be integrated into local, national and international nursing and multidisciplinary health information systems.
ICN, as the organisation responsible for advancing nursing internationally, welcomed the opportunity to collaborate with the European Telenurse project in the field testing of the ICNP. This experience has brought the ICNP to the attention of many nurses throughout Europe as well as to groups outside nursing interested in the developing classifications and health information systems. In turn the Telenurse project has benefited from the ICNP work done by nurses who form ICN's international network outside Europe.
The thinking about how to make this classification a truly international and useful tool has been tempered by the experience and feedback received from ICN’s international contacts. In field testing of the ICNP, the Telenurse project has contributed significantly ICNP developments.
The wide-ranging programme of this second consensus conference is a tribute to the enthusiasm and richness of contributions of the various partners to the emerging Beta version of the ICNP. ICN looks forward to participate during the conference and to receiving its conclusions.
Kirsten Stallknecht
President, International Council of Nurses