Traditional stockbreeding affecting minimally fragile arid pastures is one of the methods to combat desertification. The camel (Camelus) is one of the best‐fit species for arid regions. There is no other species, which is so biologically adapted to the conditions of deserts and semi deserts than the camel. This adaptability to arid environment is determined by their specific morphology, physiology, anatomy and ecology. It exceeds other domestic animals in producing foodstuffs, at the same time affecting the arid pastures minimally. Therefore the unique characteristics of this animal are of great economic interest.
Camel‐breeding is one of the most ancient ways of stock‐breeding. However currently it experiences serious drawbacks in the world and Russia as well. It was stressed at the UNEP international conference in Kenya (1986) that, ‘in arid pastures camels play an important role in facilitating the environmental protection and restoration of degraded lands, and also contributing to human adaptability to the desert’.
In the Russian Federation camels are raised in the republic of Tyva and Kalmykia, in the Altai Krai, Volgograd, Astrakhan and Saratov regions. About 40% of the stock are two‐humped camels (Camelus Bactrianus), raised in the Republic of Kalmykia, Astrakhan, Volgograd and Saratov regions.
Bactrians are represented by the three separate breeds: Kalmyk, Kazakh and Mongolian. According to experts' estimates the most valuable yet not numerous are Kalmyk bactrians. This species was introduced to Russia early in the 17th century during the Kalmyk migration from western Dzungaria to the right bank of the Volga river, which is now the territory of modern republic of Kalmykia and Astrakhan region.
Republic of Kalmykia is characterized by recent catastrophic degradation of natural pastures. This deterioration of ecological situation in the republic can be accounted for gradual decline of the traditional for the region stockbreeding (horse‐, camel‐ and coarse‐fleeced sheep breeding), which was replaced by fine‐fleeced sheep‐breeding. Currently the population of Kalmyk Bactrian in the republic is no more than 500 animals.
Severe continental climatic conditions favor the raising of Kamyk Bactrian with their unique biological and productive qualities. This will contribute to some extent to the improvement of the situation and optimization of the natural resources in semi‐deserts and deserts.