Converging technologies in the areas of networks, volume visualization algorithms, and computer performance have made possible the development of a new tool for collaboration, which extends the reach of health professionals, and other consumers of volumetric data around the world. TeleInViVo(tm) is a threedimensional (3D) collaborative volume visualization tool for medical applications. It extends the capabilities of InViVo(tm), a fast volume visualization tool developed at the Fraunhofer IGD, Darmstadt, Germany [1-3], with efficient and intuitive network collaboration features for remote consultation and new modes of interaction. The software runs on both UNIX and Windows NT platforms. TeleInViVo provides a high degree of interactivity for the medical professional when interacting with the patient data, facilitates explanation and communication between field personnel and medical experts located far from the field, and permits viewing of the data in a multitude of ways designed to support rapid and accurate diagnosis. Current efforts involve architectural enhancements to support multiuser, distributed telemedical scenarios. The application includes the following features:
* Volume and subvolume data transmission at user specified resolution,
* Synchronization cues,
* Integration of Immersion Probe(tm), a 6 degree-of-freedom input device, for ergonomic 3D data exploration,
* Tools for measuring distances,
* Tools for planning instrument path,
* Arbitrary cutting planes in real time,
* Interactive segmentation tools,
* Virtual video recorder and playback (cine loops),
* 3D stereo mode.
TeleInViVo is an essential part of the MUSTPAC-1 portable 3D ultrasound system developed by Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs, Richland, WA.