The major achievements of this Concerted Action can be summarised as follows: Techniques and algorithms for investigation into human gait modelisation and functional evaluation of walking recovery in paralysed patients. Creation of a European network for multicenter clinical trials of the assistive devices for restoration of walking in patients with high level spinal lesions, using the same methods and protocols for patient selection, training, device adaptation and patient assessment. Research into electrodes (surface and implantable) and stimulation patterns for Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES), supported also by experiments on animals; development of models for control strategies in walking by FES and their preliminary validation on patients. As direct effect of the Concerted Action, more than 200 paraplegic patients in Europe are benefiting of advanced mechanical orthoses, and almost 20 are testing hybrid systems with FES. Investigation into the ergonomics of wheelchairs and into its influence on design parameters, construction aspects, prescription criteria and fitting process. Study of technical testing techniques and methodologies and investigation into their comparability in view of promoting implementation of international standards. Development and validation of methodologies for consumer testing of wheelchairs. Identification of obstacles and solutions for wheelchairs testing information disclosure at European level so as to ensure coherence with either the ISO standards or the European Handynet information system. Definition of a preliminary agreement among the 6 European Wheelchair Testing Institutes to circulate the Test Reports, according to common guidelines, defined in the frame of the Concerted Action (particularly important in view of the 1992 free market), and publication of the first pilot volume including such Test Reports of wheelchairs tested in 1990 and 1991, provided by each Institute. Promotion of an infrastructure for ensuring that the expertise of the Testing Centres be exploited in the frame of the CEN Standardisation activities which are starting by the end of 1991.