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The concerted action established a pool of primarily computer-based assessment and rehabilitation programmes for the treatment of brain-damaged patients. This pool contains the following assessment procedures: batteries for the diagnosis of attention disorders, visual hemi-neglect, disorders of short-term visual memory and procedural learning, aphasia type and severity, naming disorders and acalculia. Normative data have been collected for all test batteries; standardization has been achieved for the attention and aphasia test batteries. The following rehabilitation programmes were developed, adapted for the respective languages and partially evaluated in multi-centric studies: training programmes for attention disorders, visual hemi-neglect, everyday memory disorders (imagery as a therapeutic mnemonic), several aphasia therapy programmes and a selfadapting training programme (expert system) for the treatment of acalculia. This pool of programmes provides the basis for the development of a European Standardized Computerized Assessment Procedure for the Evaluation and Rehabilitation of Brain-Damaged Patients.
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