1. Agreement on common protocols for patient examination and data gathering.
2. Development of standardized methods, calibration procedures and protocols for the determination several parameters using ocular fluorometry.
3. Development and testing of specially designed softwares for three main areas of clinical measurement: anterior segment, lens, and blood-retinal barrier.
4. Establishment of a data base of normal values for the different ocular fluorometry tests.
5. Demonstration that ocular fluorometry measurements: anterior segment procedures, native lens fluorescence and blood-retinal barrier permeability, may be performed reliably and in a reproducible manner in different centers and the results pooled. Establishment and consolidation of an European Clinical Netwok of Ocular Fluorometry - E.C.N.O.F.
6. Publication of a Manual of Ocular Fluorometry.
7. First steps of an Atlas of Ocular Fluorophores.
8. Prototype development and comparisons with available instrumentation in the area of light scattering measurements in the aqueous, cornea and lens.
9. Evaluation of the possibilities offered by spectral analysis of the native fluorescence of the cornea, lens and retina. Demonstration of the immediate clinical interest of measurements of corneal and lens fluorescence, particularly in diabetic patients. A simple, totally noninvasive procedure for measuring corneal fluorescence may become a retinopathy screening in diabetic patients. This may have major health impact.
10. Prototype development directed to improve axial resolution led to the conclusion that a target-oriented modification of existing confocal scanning ophthalmoscope is the best option to improve axial resolution for the purpose of ocular fluorometry measurements.