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Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) are injuries due to medication management rather than the underlying condition of the patient. They endanger the patients and most of them could be avoided and prevented. The detection of ADEs usually relies on spontaneous reporting or medical chart reviews. The first objective of the PSIP Project is to automatically detect cases of ADEs by means of Data Mining, and to provide these cases to healthcare professionals. The second objective is to prevent ADEs by means of contextualised Clinical Decision Support Systems (Cx-CDSS) connected with Computerised Physician Order Entry (CPOE) or Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems. The detection of ADEs has been made possible through a set of rules able to identify relevant cases is a set of 92,000 medical cases. The results of this detection are provided through “ADE Scorecards”. Contextualized Decision Support Systems have been developed by using the same set of rules and implemented in different software environments. The initial objectives of the PSIP project have been reached. The evaluation of the clinical impact has to be completed.
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