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The Virtual Euro‐Mediterranean Hospital (VEMH) aims to facilitate the interconnection of various medical services through real integration. VEMH will provide an integrated satellite‐terrestrial platform and realize telemedical services such as e‐learning, real‐time telemedicine and medical assistance and offer individual grants to young medical doctors. The methodologies of the VEMH are medical‐need‐oriented instead of technology‐oriented. VEMH will provide for medical professionals in the whole Euro‐Mediterranean area access to the required quality of medical service. For the successful deployment of the services of the VEMH GRID technologies have to be implemented especially for evidence‐based medicine. A Metagrid Service Engine implements an additional software layer between proprietary GRID engines and the different applications. The use of mobile code is envisioned in future GRIDs which allows service creation and deployment on arbitrary nodes of a GRID. Dynamic Grid structures become an important point for the use of mobile code.
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