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Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is common in U.S. military service members (SMs) returning from Afghanistan and Iraq. SMs with PTSD symptoms that fall short of meeting full diagnostic criteria also experience devastating effects on their quality of life and daily functioning. Though evidence based treatments are indicated for those meeting diagnostic criteria, less attention has been given to interventions for those with subthreshold symptoms. The advent of novel technologies affords a unique opportunity to meet these intervention needs. Here we describe the feasibility and preliminary findings testing a smartphone-based intervention program to reduce PTSD symptoms in post-deployment SMs. Participants were randomized to a control or intervention condition. Those in the intervention condition engaged in one Skype session and six weeks of daily directive text messages guiding application (app) use. Apps primarily included those developed by the Department of Defense or VA. Participants completed the PTSD Checklist online at baseline, post-intervention, and 3-month follow-up. Overall, participant feedback was positive, regardless of treatment condition. Preliminary findings (with 10% of the overall target population having enrolled) indicate PCL scores decrease significantly from baseline to post-intervention, and these effects are maintained at 3-month follow-up. Additional analyses will be performed upon completion of the study. The present findings demonstrate the feasibility and acceptability of a smartphone-based resiliency training program for those with subthreshold PTSD.
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