Joint Technical Committee 2 (JTC2)
JTC2 is a Joint Technical Committee of the three international geo-engineering societies (International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG), International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM) and International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE)) on Representation of Geo-Engineering Data.
Information technology has changed our lives and, at the same time, has become widely used in Geo-Engineering. As the science develops, the role that information technology plays becomes more and more important in every aspect of Geo-Engineering, covering investigation, design, construction and maintenance. Moreover, innovative concepts, strategies and technologies have sprung up like mushrooms, and when properly applied in Geo-Engineering have facilitated design processes, improved construction efficiency and lowered maintenance costs. The conference aimed to provide a showcase for engineers, scientists, researchers and educators, to review recent developments and advancements of information technology in Geo-Engineering, and to offer a forum to discuss the future directions of this vital topic.
This event was the first time where academics and practitioners worldwide in the field of information technology in geo-engineering came together, and it provided an insight into a new era of information technology in geo-engineering. We hope that this first conference, and this volume of proceedings, will form the foundation and the impetus for a long-running series of international conferences on a topic that is likely to gain even more importance in the future.