The field of crystallization holds many challenges, with the physical and chemical complexity of the crystallization process being core to the dynamic nature of the field. Exciting advances are currently being achieved in the areas of nanoparticle formation, product and particle design and methods of particle characterisation. There is also significant progress and innovation in the design, scale-up and control of crystallizers.
These key developments are reflected in the session themes of the 14th BIWIC (Bremen International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization) with the technical programme incorporating a wide range of topics, such as:
• The formation and stabilisation of nano particles,
• Polymorphs and co-crystals in pharmaceutical preparation
• Product and particle design
• Kinetics of crystallization and measurement of crystal properties
• Freeze, Antisolvent, Reactive and Melt crystallization
• Design, scale-up and control of crystallization processes at the industrial scale.
Although the BIWIC workshop is still a relaxed and informal gathering, it has developed an international flavour, having been held in recent years in Germany, France, the Netherlands, and South Korea. It is a real pleasure and honour to be hosting this 14th BIWIC in Cape Town, adding our beautiful city to the illustrious host cities that have gone before us.
We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the members of the scientific and organising committees for their helpful contributions, and their ready and willing participation in the process of producing this BIWIC. The financial support from our sponsors is also gratefully acknowledged. Lastly, we would like to extend our special appreciation to Professor Ulrich, both for his enthusiasm and support for holding the workshop in Cape Town, as well as for his guidance and helpful assistance during the organising process.
Wishing you a productive and enjoyable workshop
Alison Lewis, Dolf Bruinsma, Christine Olsen and Meg Winter
Crystallization and Precipitation Unit, Chemical Engineering Department, University of Cape Town