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The main aim of the research from which this paper arises is to identify requirements of computer support for creative work by investigating the work of artists and exploring the potential of new creative technology in this field. The paper reports upon an experimental artists-in-residence on the campus of Loughborough University during which events were recorded and analysed. The nature of the interchanges between artist and technologist as well as the artists' perspectives upon the use of the technologies and what they gained from it are described. One significant conclusion is that the influence of using computers on the artists' thinking is quite as significant as any direct outcome in terms of product. The enabling of creative transformations is a key aspect. The paper poses three questions and tries to find an answer to each by exploring the modelling of the results of the study in the context of what we know so far about computational approaches to understanding creativity. The results demonstrate that one aspect of VR may be understood in relation to previous studies of emergence.
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