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Patients receiving chemotherapy for Hodgkin's disease can potentially be treated in the out-patient department. In spite of this the proportion of patients receiving the chemotherapy on in-patient departments is 54 % per chemotherapy cycle in average in the HD6 trial for advanced Hodgkin's disease of the German Hodgkin Study Group (GHSG). The aim of this retrospective analysis is to identify the set of parameters which influence the decision of in- or out-patient treatment for the patients in the HD6 trial. Parameters tested in the univariate analysis are the patient characteristics, the type of chemotherapy, toxicity and the type of treatment institution. The significant parameters are included in a logistic regression model. From this multivariate analysis the type of treatment institution turned out to be the most important factor in the decision of treatment setting. Restricting the analysis to university clinics, the treatment setting of the first two cycles is more influencial than patient dependent parameters.
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