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The posture of squatting is biomechanically considered a healthier posture than the western toilet posture. For the western population, squatting proves to be a difficult and uncomfortable experience. By lowering the seat and combining it with point and foot support, a more comfortable squatting posture is created. In this article the lower point support posture is analysed and visualised in anatomical and ergonomic sense. Furthermore, the expectation is expressed that the lower point-supported toilet concept will prevent problems with constipation, safety and hygiene. It is probable that after experienced use the (more flexible) elderly user will be able to use the toilet longer and more independently, albeit with some special adaptations. A plea for further research on and investigation into the preventive function of a lower point-supported toilet concept is expressed. Some solutions for further development are discussed in order to improve this toilet concept for the elderly user. The lower point-supported toilet concept presented in this article should be tested and developed further and should be regarded as a first step towards a preventive and healthy toilet for every adult, the elderly included.
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