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Design and Prototyping of a Serious Game on Interactive Tabletop with Tangible Objects for Disability Awareness in Companies
Yosra Mourali, Benoit Barathon, Maxime Bourgois Colin, Sondes Chaabane, Raja Fassi, Alice Ferrai, Yohan Guerrier, Dorothée Guilain, Christophe Kolski, Yoann Lebrun, Sophie Lepreux, Philippe Pudlo, Jason Sauve
This paper presents elements of user-centered design and prototyping of a serious game. Produced within the framework of the SG-HANDI project, the serious game aims to raise awareness about integration, prevention of professional displacement and job retention of people with disabilities. This serious game is developed on an interactive RFID tabletop with tangible objects. It is intended to be used in a collective context involving one or more facilitators specialized in employment and disability, as well as the company’s stakeholders to be made aware of the issue.
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