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Smart wearables support continuous monitoring of vital signs for early detection of deteriorating health. However, the devices and sensors require sufficient quality to produce meaningful signals, in particular, if data is acquired in motion. In this study, we equipped 48 subjects with smart shirts recording one-lead electrocardiography (ECG), thoracic and abdominal respiratory inductance plethysmography, and three-axis acceleration. For 10 min each, the subjects sit, stand, walk, and run, with a resting period of 5 min in between each activity. We preprocessed the electrocardiogram and applied a signal quality index. We analyzed the signal quality index grouped by the activity and participants. For sitting, standing, walking, and running, the ECG signals provide acceptable quality over 73.20 %, 91.85 %, 12.26 %, and 13.14 % of the recording time. In conclusion, smart wearables may be useful for continuous health monitoring of people with a sedentary lifestyle, but rather not for sportive activities.
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