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Continuity of patient care (COC) is considered an essential feature of good quality care, but the ambiguity of the concept has given rise to methodological challenges in scientific studies. This study has a strong link to the functional definitions of electronic health records (EHR). In order to evaluate how COC is achieved, through a discharge summary, for example, the contents of COC should be defined. Conceptual consensus on COC as a multidimensional concept has increased. This study was conducted to provide an overview of the dimensions and descriptions of informational and management continuity of care. A scoping review was conducted. We found that informational continuity of care refers to data tool, data content, data structures or information quality related processes. Management continuity of care refers to information flow, co-operation, co-ordination, multiprofessionality or management processes. We identified the need to define next the contents of relational and cross-border continuities.
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