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A Collaborative Decision Support Tool for Managing Chronic Conditions
Nadin Kökciyan, Martin Chapman, Panagiotis Balatsoukas, Isabel Sassoon, Kai Essers, Mark Ashworth, Vasa Curcin, Sanjay Modgil, Simon Parsons, Elizabeth I. Sklar
This paper describes work to assess the feasibility of using a decision support tool to help patients with chronic conditions, specifically stroke, manage their condition in collaboration with their carers and the health care professionals who are looking after them. The system contains several novel elements: the integration of data from commercial wellness sensors, electronic health records and clinical guidelines; the use of computational argumentation to track the source of data and to resolve conflicts and make recommendations; and argumentation-based dialogue to support interaction with patients. The proposed approach is implemented as an application that can run on smart devices (e.g. tablets). The users have personalised dashboards where they can visualise their health data and interact with a conversational chatbot that provides further explanations about their overall well-being.
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