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We study the piecewise stationary combinatorial semi-bandit problem with causally related rewards. In our nonstationary environment, variations in the base arms’ distributions, causal relationships between rewards, or both, change the reward generation process. In such an environment, an optimal decision-maker must follow both sources of change and adapt accordingly. The problem becomes aggravated in the combinatorial semi-bandit setting, where the decision-maker only observes the outcome of the selected bundle of arms. The core of our proposed policy is the Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) algorithm. We assume the agent relies on an adaptive approach to overcome the challenge. More specifically, it employs a change-point detector based on the Generalized Likelihood Ratio test. Besides, we introduce the notion of group restart as a new alternative restarting strategy in the decision making process in structured environments. Finally, our algorithm integrates a mechanism to trace the variations of the underlying graph structure, which captures the causal relationships between the rewards in the bandit setting. Theoretically, we establish a regret upper bound that reflects the effects of the number of structural- and distribution changes on the performance. The outcome of our numerical experiments in real-world scenarios exhibits applicability and superior performance of our proposal compared to the state-of-the-art benchmarks.
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