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India is agriculture land and major revenue manufacturing sector. However, because of amendment in temporal parameters and uncertainty in climate directly have an effect on quality and amount of the assembly and maintenance of crops. Also, quality even a lot of degrade once the crops area unit infected by any malady. The main focus of this analysis in agriculture is to increment the crop quality and potency at lower price and gain profit as result of in India the majority of the population depends on agriculture. Big selection of fruits is growing up in India such as apple, banana, guava, grape, mango, pomegranate, orange is the main one. Fruit production gives around 20% of the country’s development. However, because of absence of maintenance, inappropriate development of fruits and manual investigation there has been scale back in generate the standard of fruits.So, Data Mining Approach used in the agriculture domain to resolve several agricultural issues of classification or prediction. During this paper complete survey of several data mining approach for crop disease management has been done. Detection of disease in early state will improve in quality of crop still as decrease the production cost. Also, we can improve the production of the particular crop. Several major parameters are used for the crop disease classification or prediction.
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