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Data mining is a technique that explores the necessary data is extracted from large data sets. Privacy protection of data mining is about hiding the sensitive information or identity of breach security or without losing data usability. Sensitive data contains confidential information about individuals, businesses, and governments who must not agree upon before sharing or publishing his privacy data. Conserving data mining privacy has become a critical research area. Various evaluation metrics such as performance in terms of time efficiency, data utility, and degree of complexity or resistance to data mining techniques are used to estimate the privacy preservation of data mining techniques. Social media and smart phones produce tons of data every minute. To decision making, the voluminous data produced from the different sources can be processed and analyzed. But data analytics are vulnerable to breaches of privacy. One of the data analytics frameworks is recommendation systems commonly used by e-commerce sites such as Amazon, Flip Kart to recommend items to customers based on their purchasing habits that lead to characterized. This paper presents various techniques of privacy conservation, such as data anonymization, data randomization, generalization, data permutation, etc. such techniques which existing researchers use. We also analyze the gap between various processes and privacy preservation methods and illustrate how to overcome such issues with new innovative methods. Finally, our research describes the outcome summary of the entire literature.
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