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Tailings are the waste product of mining which is left over after extraction of materials of interest. Tailings material may possess different material properties depending upon type of ore and method of concentration. Sometimes the tailings material itself is used in construction of tailings dams and tailings dams are constructed to withstand for long times. A tailing dam can be exposed to settlements due to incremental load as these dams are raised in stages. Increasing load with time may also lead to particle breakage. This article presents the results from oedometer tests conducted on tailings materials. The study includes the stress-deformation behavior and particle breakage of tailings material of different gradations upon application of incremental loads in oedometer tests. The samples were collected from different sections of tailings dam from Sweden. Remolded samples were manufactured in laboratory as four batches of particle sizes i.e. 1-0.5 mm, 0.5-0.25mm, 0.25-0.125mm and 0.125-0.063mm. The results are analyzed from tested samples at different stress levels and compared with different particle sizes. The breakage of particles of each batch is analyzed by sieving the specimens after oedometer tests. The results are evaluated in terms of primary and secondary deformations. The primary and secondary deformations are also compared with different particle sized specimens.
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